CBSE, CLASS 8,CIVICS-Confronting Marginalization
1. what do you mean by marginalization and confronting marginalization? Answer:- marginalization can be defined as a Process or a condition that checks or prevents a person or individual or group from complete participation or environment in social economic and political life or activity. They are sufferers of inequality and discrimination based on caste or creed, race, or color. Now, confronting marginalization can be defined as ahead --confronting means standing against something wrong, to accept the challenge. Thus confronting marginalization is to face or stand against marginalization. people attempt to overcome their situation by adopting a range of strategies, to fight against and get deprived 1. हाशियाकरण और हाशियाकरण का सामना करने से आप क्या समझते हैं? उत्तर:- हाशिएकरण को एक ऐसी प्रक्रिया या स्थिति के रूप में परिभाषित किया जा सकता है जो किसी व्यक्ति या व्यक्ति या समूह को सामाजिक आर्थिक और राजनीतिक जीवन या गतिविधि में पूर्ण भागीदारी या पर्यावरण से रोकता है या ...